Marriage Licenses Age: If applicants are under 18 years of age, written consent of both parents is necessary. If either applicant is 14 or 15 years of age they must present written consent from a Justice of the Supreme Court or Judge of the Family Court having jurisdiction over the town or city in which the application is made. If …
A Message from Monroe County Department of Emergency Preparedness
Is your family storm-ready? Have ideas for making Monroe County more resilient to natural hazards? Let us know! We are updating the County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan and are looking for your feedback to inform our planning process. Take our survey to contribute your knowledge:
2023 Ogden Final Assessment Roll
Vacancy in the Town of Ogden Finance Department
If you are interested in being considered for this position, please send your resume to
Board of Assessment Review Vacancies
The Ogden Town Board is seeking candidates to fill two vacancies on the Board of Assessment Review. Candidates must be Ogden residents, should preferably have knowledge of local real estate values, and need to be available on Grievance Day – the 4th Tuesday in May – to hear assessment complaints. This is an appointed position for a five-year term. Send letters …
Current STAR Exemption Recipients
Current Basic and Enhanced STAR exemption recipients will keep their exemption as long as they continue to own their current home and continue to meet residency and income eligibility requirements.
STAR program changes
If your income is greater than $250,000 and less than or equal to $500,000: If you currently receive the Basic STAR exemption and your income is between $250,000 and $500,000, the program is changing for you. If eligible, you will now receive a check for the STAR credit instead of the reduction on your school tax bill. If you receive …
New STAR Requirements AS OF 2019
To receive the Enhanced STAR exemption, you must enroll in the Income Verification Program (IVP). If you’re already enrolled, no action is needed. If you qualify for the Low-Income Senior Citizens exemption, you will no longer automatically receive the Enhanced STAR exemption. You must apply for the Enhanced STAR separately.