The Zoning Board of Appeals consists of seven Town of Ogden residents who are appointed by the Town Board.  They have approval authority over requests for variances from the requirements of the Town Zoning Ordinance such as front, rear, and/or side setbacks, accessory structure square footage, decks in the front or side yards, height and location of fences, sign variances for commercial property’s, etc. The Zoning Board of Appeals is also responsible for the approval or denial of Use Variance requests and they hear other appeals on code interpretations.

Zoning Board of Appeals Secretary:
Susan Dugan
Email: buildingclerk@ogdenny.com

Zoning Board Clerk:
Jamie Cassara
Email: buildingclerk@ogdenny.com

All Zoning Board of Appeal meetings are held in the Large Meeting Room at the Community Center located at 269 Ogden Center Road, unless otherwise noted.


Jared Hirt, Chair

Courtney Crandall

Brent Surgeoner

Molly Infantino

Tim Southard

Jeremiah Schmidt

Stephen Oliver

Nell Gardner (Alt)

The Zoning Board of Appeals normally meets on the first Thursday of the month at 7:00pm in the Main Meeting Room of the Town Hall located at 269 Ogden Center Road. The Meeting dates are subject to change and they will be posted at the meeting site and on the Town's website.  All Zoning Board of Appeals applications must be received by the date listed on the schedule below.  The Zoning Board of Appeals secretary reserves the right to close the submittal deadline earlier than the posted date should the number of applications become excessive.

The applicant is required to provide 9 copies of the following to the Town Building Department:

  • Zoning Board of Appeals Application (must be signed by the property owner if applicant is different)
  • Survey Map noting requested structure placement, if applicable
  • Drawing or photographs of requested variance issue (ie: sign, shed, fence, etc.)
  • Any additional information that the applicant would like to present to the Zoning Board of Appeals prior to the meeting
  • All applications except area variances require a Short EAF  (See link below)
  • Fee

Agendas and Minutes:

The Zoning Board of Appeals meeting minutes and agendas are now on the General Code website.