Highway Superintendent & Commissioner of Public Works
Stormwater Public Contact
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 3:30 PM
Phone: (585) 617-6160
Fax: (585) 352-2133
Email Highway Superintendent
Mission Statement
The Highway Department is dedicated to maximizing the efficient use of our resources in the construction and maintenance of the town's infrastructure. This infrastructure includes: residential streets, sidewalks, trees located in the right-of-way, the stormwater conveyance system, and sanitary sewer systems. The Highway Department is also responsible for the planning and execution of capital improvements to preserve and enhance this infrastructure with the ultimate objective of maintaining property values and creating a safe and high-quality environment for town residents and businesses. The Highway Department maintains and updates the Stormwater Management Plan and the Geographic Information System, (G.I.S.), for the Town of Ogden. We are committed to public safety and providing the highest level of service to the community. Maintaining open lines of communication with our residents helps us to further obtain these goals. Please call our office at any time with your individual concerns.
- Container/Roll-Off Rental Agreement
- Deceased Animal Pickup
- Fill Dirt Request
- A completed and approved fill dirt permit will now be required to ensure that the dumping of fill in the location requested does not hinder drainage or impact neighboring properties negatively. Fill dirt permits are available in the Building Department and will require engineer approval. *Fill delivery is subject to availability and Highway Superintendent approval.
- G.I.S. Map Request
- Pothole Reporting Procedure
- Road Jurisdiction List
- Road Right-Of-Way Information
- Roadside Mowing Information
- Sewer District Maintenance
- Sign Maintenance
- Ecopark - (Household Hazardous Waste Disposal)
- Monroe County Department of Motor Vehicles - Mobile DMV at Ogden Town Hall every 3rd Wednesday 10:00AM-3:30PM
- Monroe County Department of Transportation
- Monroe County G.I.S.
- Monroe County Water Authority
- New York State Department of Transportation
- Rochester Gas & Electric (Streetlight Outage)
- All Services Offered
- Annual Brush, Stump, & Leaf Collection Schedule
- Brush, Stump, & Leaf Collection Pickup Rules
- Leaf vacuums are out daily to collect raked leaf piles.
- Please rake leaves to the edge of your property and NOT in the roadway.
- Please don't rake leaves into any drainage ditches as this could obstruct the flow of water.
- Only leaves should be raked into the piles to be vacuumed. No other materials, debris, sticks, etc., should be placed into the piles as this could potentially cause damage to our equipment or harm to our employees.
- Please don't rake leaves into drainage grates or catch basins.
- Please don't rake leaves into the gutters.
- Please don't place raked leaves into any containers such as boxes, plastic bags, barrels, cans, etc., as they will not be picked up.
- Please don't place raked leaf piles behind any structures or obstacles such as trees, cars, mailboxes, fire hydrants, signs, light poles, etc.
- Composting Information
- Concrete Waste Pickup
- Mulch Availability
- Lawn Repairs
- Mailbox Damage/Repairs & Other Information